Monday, March 24, 2003

The Crude Understanding Of Disbelief

Allah created life and death for a particular reason. He communicated this to man by sending Books which clearly differentiated between rightful and wrongful actions. This purpose of life is stated in the following verse:

He created Death and Life, that He might try which of you is best in deed: He is Exalted in Might and Oft-Forgiving. (Surah Al-Mulk: 2)
The essence of this purpose is to honour Allah with the honour that is due to Him, to observe the limits set by Him, to have an understanding of the temporary nature of this world and to reorient all the deeds and conduct of one’s life in the light of the will of the Creator.

The “ignorant society” is a society where such an unawareness and ignorance prevail. The concept of the “ignorant society”, however, does not necessarily apply merely to the people who lived before the Qur’an was revealed. Rather, the term refers to all people who swerved from the moral manners and the way of living enjoined by the Qur’an after it was revealed. Thus the definition of the term is quite extensive.

The basic rationale underlying the “ignorant society” amounts to people forming their own personal ideas of right and wrong upon which they base their entire lives. What consequences ensue from such a stance? The answer is simple: the development of an apathetic attitude towards the most crucial subject of one’s life: the life beyond death. Such an attitude, however, is the most detrimental to man’s eternal life as well as to any hope of a rewarding and peaceful life in this world. The sole reason for this is that the moral system prevailing in the ignorant societies is firmly established on the basis of a rather “crude understanding.” The fundamental goal of life is more or less alike for every individual: to attain the best standard of living throughout a life which is limited to an average of 60-70 years...

The Fact that They Make Up the Majority of the Society does not Indicate the Reliability of Their Rationale

The Qur’an provides another important fact about the ignorant societies: they always constitute the majority of the population as compared to the community of believers. The Qur’an informs us that the believers are always in the minority:

Yet strive as you may, most men will not believe.Surah Yusuf: 103

But for a few of them, they have no faith. (Surah An-Nisa: 46)

And most of them believe in Allah only when they can attribute partners (to Him).(Surah Yusuf: 106)

Surely this is not a coincidence but a special situation created deliberately by Allah for a certain cause. That believers are in the minority makes their virtuous conduct even more precious in this world. Furthermore, this is a factor enhancing their rewards in the Hereafter. This world surely has a lure as an essential part of the trial by Allah. Nevertheless, if concern for the Hereafter takes complete hold of one’s mind and, in consequence, one’s actions, one would surely be superior to the majority deceived by the attraction of worldly goods.

Why Do The Ignorant Society Prefer a Primitive Life?
Because They Assume Everything is Restricted to this Life

The mentality of these people is expressed in the Qur’an in their own words:
There is nothing but our life in this world! We shall die and we live! But we shall never be raised up again! (Surah Al-Mukminun: 37)

Friday, March 21, 2003

Of all unexplainable chaos, then it seems that I got a fever. Whenever I get a fever, and I stay back at home, there's something really big on the news. So I got to follow the Iraqi War on CNN all day, not that it's helping my fever. The last time this happened was during WTC's ground zero.

I don't know what to comment, probably Saddam has a chance or won't he ( he is kind of a guy with all sorts of tactics ). And it's not that we approve Saddam, but the US being able to do what they want to is rather disturbing.

So what next?

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Oh well... how shall i start. There comes a time that you think anything else doesn't matter so much. Let it be... the world can pass me by. I'm in a so wasted phase in this early morning. sleep won't come to this tired body.

yesterday was a bad day. i started the morning by almost getting hit by a speeding car. i had this headache all day. I can't walk straight. i hated myself all day. Now I'm still at the office, and I can't get my self to go back home after finishing some work. I'm wasted.

I'm hoping that tomorrow, is kinder. please.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Sebagai seorang muslim dan beriman, kita seharusnya membenarkan agama Islam dan mengakui bahawa Islam adalah suatu agama yang lengkap, tiada cacat cela. Kempen monogami yang dilancarkan oleh Gabungan Hak Wanita dalam Islam jelas sekali menghina kebenaran Islam.

Di akal yang cetek, dan beberapa contoh kerosakan rumah tangga akibat poligami, inducenya adalah poligami adalah suatu amalan yang tidak sihat dan tidak mendatangkan kebahagiaan rumahtangga?

Saya ingin meminta bukti bahawa monogami itu sahaja yang mendatangkan kebahagiaan dalam sistem kekeluargaan. Atau terangkan kepada saya, mengapakah Barat yang kononnya mengamalkan sistem perundangan kekeluargaan yang demokratik, mempunyai kadar perceraian 50%. Satu perceraian dalam dua perkahwinan.

Sebuah dokumentari Discovery Channel juga ada membentangkan amalan lelaki dan perempuan simpanan yang meluas di barat. Sila terangkan kepada saya, bagaimanakah HAK KEMANUSIAAN SEORANG PEREMPUAN SIMPANAN?

Jadi, sebelum seseorang itu melatah dengan mengatakan hak kemanusiaan dalam Islam tidak terjaga, saya ingin berpesan bahawa jangan merasakan akal kita yang lemah ini mampu mencabar kebenaran ilmu Allah s.w.t.

Jika kita tidak dapat mengakui Islam itu sebuah agama yang lengkap tanpa cacat cela, maka siapakah kita?

Friday, March 14, 2003

Did I ever mention that I have a bad habit of smoking? Well i guess i haven't. Let me tell you how it all started.

When I was a little boy, I always wondered about people smoking. At that time, I thought that smoking was a consumption, as also eating. And wondered about that second mode of consumption. However, it was just a thought at the time. You see, my father doesn't smoke, but somehow I knew that when I grow up, I would be a smoker, and also wouldn't grow a moustache or beard. Funny, it's not a mindset that I want to smoke when I'm adult. It came to me like an intuition.

Then I entered a boarding school. During the junior years, I was always against smokers. I just thought that they're only acting out. Tunjuk lagak. Whenever somebody got busted for smoking, I would say "padan muka"

Now, I had a couple of close friends, and we'd chat a lot at dorm. Somehow, in the middle of our chat sessions, one of them would excuse himself to go somewhere for a while. It didn't raise any questions at that time, but when it continued for some time, i was curious.

So I followed him even though he didn't want me to. We entered a storeroom, and there I found my other friend. I was a bit frustrated inside that my friends were smoking all these while.

My belief of "only show-off/naughty kids are smoking" disrupted. So I was curious of smoking. They didn't encourage me. It beats the point of them keeping it a secret from me before, if they teach me how to smoke now.

But I was stubborn. And asked for a puff. Well... I went all the way back to dorm feeling so dizzy. This couldn't be fun, I said and vowed not to smoke.

My stupid curiosity came back to me again a couple of weeks later, and a puff became two puffs. And at some other time, I'm no longer dizzy of the smoke.

Then it became a stick, then it became on schedule after eating.

Then, I had to buy my own packs.

I'm trying to quit, in fact, I'm scheming my stop-smoking-plan, as soon as I finish this last stick.

Oh which reminds me, I schemed a propaganda to boycott McDonalds, while eating BigMac.

Somebody, please tell me how to scheme.

Sometimes I get angry at motorcyclists driving recklessly. Speeding, criss-crossing and such.

But today, I saw a motorcycle accident. The cyclist was lying on the road, trying to bear the pain I guess. I felt pity for him and was wondering if the bystanders had called an ambulance already.

I guess as a car driver, we have to be extra-careful and defensive. It doesn't matter if other people are reckless, as long as it isn't us. Seeing something like what I saw in the morning was painful.

This message was brought to you by the road safety department.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Darwin's theory of evolution might be true after all... but most probably backwards.


read more about this here

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Anything malay/Islamic, we get jumpy.

There's this article in the new straites times that says the malay's tolerance towards other races has deteriorated. He says that not many muslim women who wants to shake hands with him anymore. He also gave other examples, of which are not real issues actually. Like, a teacher telling his student to break off the cross of the king's head in a chess set.

by all these examples, he concluded that the malays will fall back from advancement. (jadi mundur)

I have a really straight to the point question to the writer.

"Hey dumbshit, how the hell do I get stone-aged when i break off a cross on top off the king's head piece?"

what intolerance? If a muslim-girl doesn't want to shake your hand, you say malays nowadays are intolerent. From where i see it, it's actually your intolerence in respecting the girl's faith.

what's your cause for shaking hands with her and what's her cause for refusing to. Balance that, and you'd know whose tolerence is needed. Newsflash, sucker.... tolerence doesn't always mean that it's favourable to only you.

And of course I won't break the cross off the chess king's headset in front of a Christian, cause that would deliberately disrespect him, if it even did. Just personal opinions for some people not to have the cross. Some people don't care cause they don't think the cross means anything to them, and it's not wrong.

when i go to a chinese friend's house, should I tolerate to drink beer if he serves it, or should he tolerate by not offering me beer?

What if it's not about my faith that prevents me from drinking beer. What if I choose not to because of lifestyle issues? i bet that wouldn't be such an issue to you to an extent that you label me intolerent or stone-aged.

But in your case, probably you're butt ugly. That's why people don't want to shake hands with you. Haven't you thought about that? Then you go yapping bout malay intolerence?

what's wrong with your brain? Is it starting to skip synapses? I've seen trained monkeys having better brains than you. If a goat could talk, it'd have the same IQ score as you.

i don't blame them for having such an inferior and dysfunctional brain. I understand that some people are unfortunate. I did write something more rational about this issue, but what's the use trying to make a point to people who have trouble understanding the word "tolerance".

Or is it anything Islamic, these so called "modern malays" get jumpy?

ignorance meets ignorance, i prefer to flame them.