Thursday, February 27, 2003

Wanna know a sad story?

When I was teenage, I happened to be lying around at home, and accidentally, watched this show called RSB(Remaja Sdn Bhd). The topic had to do something about wearing branded clothes. So they were interviewing why teens liked to wear branded clothes and such.

Now that I'm adult 10 years later, I was also lying around the house, and accidentally watched this show called Remaja(why does this always happen to me?). The topic was, *again*, about wearing branded clothes.

What's so sad about that? you ask. Well it's so sad that our teenage segment producers, can't come up with anything more challenging or creative to address our teens. It's infact pathetic.

I remember writing in my blog about teens. And I did question why we're not challenging them enough. I understand, that as a producer, you want to present something popular or hip or hop or whatever, lamer.

But why in the whole wide world, that when you want to do a teen segment, the topic, "Kenapa remaja suka pakai baju branded", pops out of your head?

Well, I guess we just won't get quality tv shows, cause people like ME aren't in the media business. haha.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Memang susah nak cakap samada kita boleh rasional atau tidak, bak kata napang atau fajar. And betul, rafthah, if it happens, we don't care if we serve time being locked up, cause I also can't imagine the loss of the daughter in that manner, and to continue life?

but i'm glad that we share the same hatred and disgust towards these low-lives. we'll just have to pray that this doesn't happen to our beloved family.

Setiap hari baca cerita-cerita macam ni kat paper, it saddens me. I'm not gonna accept these news as benda 'biasa'. No, cause it will always hurt me. Have you guys heard about the case in Manjalara? Yang budak perempuan 5 tahun tu kena rogol, usus dia terburai? Lelaki yang didapati bersalah tu, lagi nak tunjuk taiko kat mahkamah, tendang-tendang kandang pesalah bila hakim menjatuhkan hukuman.

What's so damn wrong with people nowadays? Rogol budak, rogol mak, rogol nenek, rogol kambing?

Separuh dari aku cakap, jom JiGo belasah dia. Tapi sebahagian lagi cakap, brader Spyz, tolong pegang aku.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Imagine that you are a father who has a 5 year old daughter. And that your innocent daughter got raped. You only get to see her lifeless body so malformed hours later. Imagine your emotions, on seeing this happening to your beloved daughter.

Now imagine, that the animal who's done this is infront of you, should I ask what you would do? Stay calm and try to be rational? Tie him up and bring to the police?

No. You should kill him.

Get that dagger, get your gun, get whatever you think, could inflict pain.

Tie his unruly dick, behind the back of your car, and drive him all the way to town. Snap it when you feel it's right.

Lie him as a speed bump, and roll over him.

Peel his skin off, and sow it back again, only to peel it back off.

Do whatever you want but, FOR GOD'S SAKE... KILL HIM LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!

And if you're tried under court, go for temporary insanity. It's understood.

p/s: I would love to listen to your hatred towards these animals.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Found this on Usenet. What if, instead of disarmament, the US wanted pizza from Iraq?

IRAQ: Hello?
US: We demand pizza.
IRAQ: OK, where should we send it to?
US: It's too late for negotiations.
IRAQ: Please, where should we send the pizza?
US: You're trying to distract us. The real issue here is pizza.
IRAQ: Okay...
US: We demand unconditional delivery of pizza. No payment or anything.
IRAQ: Hey, if we're sending pizza we better get paid for it...
US: This is duplicity. We won't be misled by you. You have had enough opportunities to send pizza.
IRAQ: That's the way it works. You get pizza, we get money.
US: We oppose linkage of pizza and money.
IRAQ: Let's negotiate about this. I'm sure you'll get pizza soon.
US: We need pizza within 30 seconds or we'll bomb you.
IRAQ: Do you even want pizza?
US: The time for negotiations is past.
IRAQ: We can't send pizza if we're not going to get paid and we don't even have somewhere to send this.
US: Our position is clear: send us pizza or be destroyed.
IRAQ: But-!
IRAQ: Oh, great.
IRAQ: Fine, fine!! We have pizza! We'll send pizza!
US: It's too late for that.

Monday, February 17, 2003

what's the difference? I'm overly confident of everything I do. But yet, when something happens not according to plan, I don't take it so hard, being overconfident in the first place, I'm supposed to blow. But I don't. Why's that?

Trying out new premises in my job, each time I would say how easy it's going to be. My friend would say, "Kau cakap senang..."... but i usually would pull-through! Each time somebody discourages me saying 9 out of 10 people don't make it, I would say that I won't be the ninth person not able to do it. Sometimes I confuse myself, of a plain won't or won't allow.

Here's a story when I was in secondary school.

I was a nerd. Somehow along the line, this nerd started talking to girls. Then he got a girlfriend. Turns out it was kind of not favourable to the current romeos. One romeo did approach this nerd, trying to reason out. He said, "only 3% of school couples make it to marriage". And I said, "I don't deny that... but I'm one of those 3%, and YOU are not". With that, I didn't give him breathing air to reply back.

I did marry my then girlfriend. Well, he didn't marry his.

Forget about that, I hate it when people are too negative. Don't they realize, they're just creating mental blocks in their head. This point of blockage, even doesn't permit them to try. And there are a lot of these people. But I'm not blaming this nature in society. It's a balance.

Some people can stay scared of not trying, cause they don't want to make mistakes, but sadly, they're not moving anywhere. A minority of them would just dare it and has a better chance of finding new possibilities.

My say, I don't want to be a stupid stone lying on the ground, waiting for somebody else to move me. Or just wait for something to happen cause I'm too scared to make mistakes.

No, that's not me, that's bullshit.

I'm still testing... dammit... i just can't get away from the computer. Till now, I haven't eaten dinner. It's a good thing somebody bought me lunch, cause I didn't even want to go out of the office. But probably if that happened, I would be at home right now. But even I myself can't predict my own moves.

My philosophy is to get bored of it, so that I won't waste time later on. The extreme, to even puke. But I haven't reached that yet. I don't know when can I go home and get something to eat.

Somehow in the afternoon, I did manage to go for a round of golf balls. And regarding my swing, I have the grasp of it now, maintaining persistent balls that fly straight. I can't wait to become pro. Dammit I'm good.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Just received streamyx, and I've been testing it like crazy. Generally, I'm quite satisfied.

Saturday, February 15, 2003

ok remind me next time to talk about polygamy. Interesting topic.

Seems that I haven't posted for a week. Well, I guess I'm out of ideas lately. I do have ideas popping there and then, but I usually wouldn't stop to write the idea in my pda. It would just seem akward, cause it usually happens during meetings. And when I drive. I don't expect myself to actually pull-over to jot down my blogging idea. But wait... probably I would, if the idea happens so to be an IMPORTANT ARTICLE TO MANKIND! yeah right.... i heard you say.

but i've come up with a general idea for this blog. I think I'm gonna blog in themes i set weekly. For example, this week could be 'Haircut', or 'Growing Up' or, 'Being stupid', or 'Conquering the World' kindof themes... yea... so that I won't have to crack my head each time I want to write.

But right now, I'm concerned about US attacking Iraq. Everybody knows it damn well that they're doing it for the oil. Talking about disarming? Why not disarm N Korea, they've already confessed they have those kind of weapons? Oh, I forgot, they don't have oil.

The world crisis is not about Iraq not wanting to disarm, it's about whether the world wants to give power to the US to do what ever they want. I hope Russia, Germany, France and China does a good job balancing this power and to prevent this from happenning. Since George W. Bush was president, he was testing the other superpowers, whether they'll fight back or just be silent. Remember the jet incident in China?

If the world allows the US to attack Iraq now, they'd be allowed to do anything after that. As the saying goes, absolute power corrupts.
And this would fit in very well with their "Globalisation" efforts, the borderless world they say, but did they mention that they would instill the SuperRuler? No they did not. But you can read what they're doing right now.

Believe me, it will all lead to this.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

7 februari 2003

Regarding my last post, I think that was stupid and naive of me to suggest a base 1 numbering system. It's logical but probably of no use (at least in microprocessors). Forget about the whole idea.

Well about today, i wish i could say more, but nothing much happened. Despite the fact that i had an appointment starting really late in the night again.

I also had some tasks in kl during the day. When i was driving, there was this car who wanted to change lanes and didn't see me. I sounded my horn to let him know that i was there. Ended up getting a dagger stare from his passenger.

He thought i didn't notice his "deadly" stare cause i was continuing my conversation with dad. What's he expecting anyway? To entertain his "kegangsteran kampung"? i don't even know how, doh!

So what did he do to get my attention to his stare? He actually popped his head out to stare me.

Yes, i must say that being a gangster kampung is quite challenging. With very limited brain capacity to comprehend, trying to express himself in the most "vicious way", just because he got honked.

It's sad that we had to take a turn at an intersection, cause it would've been fun to see him do it for another 5 kilometres. When you're dumb, you do those kind of stuffs, and it's entertainment for others.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Dalam salah sebuah sessi pemikiran tahap lampau aku, aku tertanya, "Ada tak sistem yang lebih basic/simple daripada binary?". Binari adalah perangkaan base 2, menggunakan 1 dan 0. Ataupun kita boleh cakap on or off. Yang biasanya kita gunakan adalah base 10, ada 10 character untuk digunakan dalam representasi nilai.

So kalau binary adalah yang paling basic iaitu representasi nilai berdasarkan 2 character, adakah wujud lebih basic daripada itu untuk representasi nilai? aku tanya member aku, dia straight kata tak ada. seems impossible untuk represent dengan 1 character sesebuah nilai, dia cakap.

Well, I know what's obvious. Sebenarnya aku tak challenge representation character. Aku challenge 'simpler'. Tak kisahlah, tapi aku rasa jawapan dia ada dalam sistem saraf organisma, wujud suatu sistem representasi nilai yang simple.

I will revisit common accepted knowledge as I may, regardless of how stupid my questions may seem.

p/s: dalam base 2, '111' adalah 7. cuba base 1(rep 1 char) then 7 ialah 1111111. So, mesti base 1 lagi simple dari base 2? I could be wrong here but i don't care.

No thought was put into this.
Always knew it'll come to this,
Things have never felt so swell,
I have never failed to feel,
- Kurt Cobain in You Know You're Right

Sunday, February 02, 2003

A discussion on pirating software from the usenet

"How can you compete with free?" (posted by ware share on Jul 21, 2002)
Pirates often say that \"I\'m not rich enough to buy M$ Office, so they aren\'t losing any money when I use a pirated copy.\"That\'s probably true. M$ isn\'t losing money. However, the author of CheapWrite, who tries to sell his software for $39, is probably losing a sale. I mean, if the choice for a user is to get a good-enough program for $39, or the biggest program for free, what choice will he make?Thus, piracy hurts small software developers but not large ones. If you want to support the M$ monopoly, by all means, keep pirating.To someone who thinks that paying $39 for software is expensive: how much did you pay for your computer? And do you really think that a computer program costing less than the entrance ticket for an amusement park is \"expensive\"? If so, please move to a communist state.Oh, I fogot, there are no more communist states. I wonder why that is?

"crackz, hackz and warez" (posted by anony mouse bloke on Sep 05, 2002)
i use cracked applications. i know that makes me a criminal. i don\'t care that much tho. if a company makes software that can be cracked, it deserves to lose the money. if it can\'t be cracked, and it does something i need to do, then - and only then - i will gather together the (usually prohibitive to the small-time/non-commercial user) funds to buy it. here in australia software prices are spectacularly prohibitive. an application that is well within the reach of a student in the US, UK or Europe is often out of the reach of their counterparts here. mostly, it\'s to do with exchange rates and comparative earning levels - the A$ is second only to the peso in buying power :) but high- street vendors also stick in a massive price-hike when they can. Furthermore, differential release schedules mean that we can be behind the rest of the world for months (and in the case of some games, we may never recieve them!) none of these are excuses for using cracked software. i don\'t have an excuse, except that i genuinely can\'t afford to buy things that i need, for which i can only blame the government and high unemployment rates. does being poor and unemployed mean i shouldn\'t have the same access to software tools as my more well-off fellows?

"Re: crackz, hackz and warez" (posted by on Oct 02, 2002)
Someone said \"does being poor and unemployed mean i should not have the same access to software tools as my more well-off fellows?\". I would like a new Ferrari but I cannot afford it. By your logic, it is ethically ok to steal one? I do not think the law would agree on that one, I think I would be in prison. I cannot afford the Ferrari, so I drive a Hyundai. If I could not afford MS Office, I would use notepad. Its not like you are stealing food to save your life here... you are talking about a luxury. Its not ok to steal an xbox from Walmart if you cannot afford one, and its not ok to steal software if you cannot afford it. Stop fooling yourself.