Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Anything malay/Islamic, we get jumpy.

There's this article in the new straites times that says the malay's tolerance towards other races has deteriorated. He says that not many muslim women who wants to shake hands with him anymore. He also gave other examples, of which are not real issues actually. Like, a teacher telling his student to break off the cross of the king's head in a chess set.

by all these examples, he concluded that the malays will fall back from advancement. (jadi mundur)

I have a really straight to the point question to the writer.

"Hey dumbshit, how the hell do I get stone-aged when i break off a cross on top off the king's head piece?"

what intolerance? If a muslim-girl doesn't want to shake your hand, you say malays nowadays are intolerent. From where i see it, it's actually your intolerence in respecting the girl's faith.

what's your cause for shaking hands with her and what's her cause for refusing to. Balance that, and you'd know whose tolerence is needed. Newsflash, sucker.... tolerence doesn't always mean that it's favourable to only you.

And of course I won't break the cross off the chess king's headset in front of a Christian, cause that would deliberately disrespect him, if it even did. Just personal opinions for some people not to have the cross. Some people don't care cause they don't think the cross means anything to them, and it's not wrong.

when i go to a chinese friend's house, should I tolerate to drink beer if he serves it, or should he tolerate by not offering me beer?

What if it's not about my faith that prevents me from drinking beer. What if I choose not to because of lifestyle issues? i bet that wouldn't be such an issue to you to an extent that you label me intolerent or stone-aged.

But in your case, probably you're butt ugly. That's why people don't want to shake hands with you. Haven't you thought about that? Then you go yapping bout malay intolerence?

what's wrong with your brain? Is it starting to skip synapses? I've seen trained monkeys having better brains than you. If a goat could talk, it'd have the same IQ score as you.

i don't blame them for having such an inferior and dysfunctional brain. I understand that some people are unfortunate. I did write something more rational about this issue, but what's the use trying to make a point to people who have trouble understanding the word "tolerance".

Or is it anything Islamic, these so called "modern malays" get jumpy?

ignorance meets ignorance, i prefer to flame them.


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