Friday, January 31, 2003

dalam bancian terbaru negara... nampaknya 3/4 daripada populasi negara kita menjadikan 75% daripada jumlah populasi negara. ok. 1/4 lagi adalah 25% daripada jumlah populasi.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

i must be honest with you guys. I'm not that sophisticated of a person. Antara benda yang aku buat yang aku harap orang lain tak tahu ialah, aku agak sangkut jugak tengok cerita Betty.

Bini aku tape betty atas VHS guna timer. Mula-mulanya aku agak curious apa ke benda la cerita betty la soya bean tu. Now balik rumah pukul 11 malam, mesti pasang senyap-senyap tape tu tengok.

pergh, semalam punya cerita agak sedih. Dammit I felt like crying.

Monday, January 27, 2003

terima kasih spyz, ingat birthday aku yang dah suku abad ni. aku pun sendiri lupa, sampai mak aku singgah office bagi present.


Sunday, January 26, 2003

After years vowing that i'd never play golf, i finally succumbed to it. It was my friend. He started by bringing his set of golf clubs to the office. Then i started putting. Now I'm driving ranging(if there's such a word).

I had all the posture wrong, but the ball still flies. Being a beginner, that's actually something.

After getting my swing rectified by my friend, the ball is flying no more. Also I have a sore back for over a week now. Other than that, I look stupid.

A very tiring day because last night i didn't quite sleep. And to top it all, I had to attend a meeting in KL this morning.

In the mean time, my wife brought Affan to sister's house. So now that i'm back home, i'm all alone with nothing to do.

I would've gone out and meet some friends if I weren't feeling so sleepy right now. Even worse, I'm not that sleepy to sleep, and not that wide awake to do something else.

What state of mind do you call this? It sure is annoying though!

Saturday, January 25, 2003

somebody searched "monyet atas pokok kelapa" thru yahoo, and it gave my site.

hmmmm...... let me think about that. WHY?

Please don't come to me because you want to pay me to do your thesis. frankly, you can't afford my man-hour rate and I don't help people this way. If you're studying and you don't get it, try harder, people are willing to teach. After that if you get it, reward yourself, if you don't... please flunk. too many unemployed graduates here in the market, and it's saturating the work-force. you're probably good at something else, but you're superficially trying to do something else through cheating.

don't do this to the economy.

It's not that I'm less busy that I'm blogging again, but because I love writing. How busy? It has been weeks since I could enjoy the weekends with my family. It's also kind of sad that I have to fit in slots for them as I fit in appointments with clients and business partners.

I have this PDA to remember my schedule, tasks, contacts and a place for me to write down ideas. It's a HP Jornada but now it's broken. I consider a PDA as to relieve some of my biological memory space, so that I can use my brain for lots of thinking and creativity. Now that it won't function properly (the stylus needs to be recalibrated every 5 minutes), I'm kind of crippled. So now I replaced it with a Sony CLIE. The difference is that Jornada uses Windows CE, Clie uses Palm OS. Jornada is a handheld with keyboard, Clie uses graffiti which takes time to learn.

So you see, I'll be revived back in a couple of weeks, with this new brain extension of mine.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

i went back from a meeting, been home and now back at the office, 3 AM in the morning. Wide awake.

So, I did announce to a couple of bloggers I knew before, that I'm planning to write again. Some said... "please don't" (note:i'll kill them some other day). Jigo told me not to go dissappearing again, apparently he has trouble to report my missing to the police because he doesn't know my name... he's a psycho.

Yep, my blog froze for almost a year. It was the time my first child was to be delivered. It was quite an ordeal, and alhamdulillah, he was born perfectly normal and has made me a proud father ever since.

and the story goes....

My wife was already in Kota Bharu, because she wanted to deliver there. So I was alone in KL. Every night, I used to talk to the baby, of how much I loved him and wanted him, and I kindof missed that for a month(explaining the weirdness I felt expressed in my last few posts). and I called everyday, whether it was time or not. The wait, the curiousity was really killing me.

And one day at work at about 12am, I received the call.

I was mixed with emotions, perplexed, it left me walking all around the office until my friend asked me what I was doing. I told him my wife was delivering. He took me to KL sentral, had to run to catch the train, arrived at KLIA and had to run to catch the plane. Arrived in KB at 2.35pm.

Took a taxi straight to the hospital. I found my wife already in the labour room... but it wasn't time yet. Phew! And that was quick, said the doctor. The doctor briefed me about some stuffs, I asked her some stuffs. Turns out that my wife was already overdue, and her water level was low... so the doctor had to deliver the baby by today. She said, that she'll try to deliver the baby normally.

Things didn't look good when the baby's heart beat level went high when my wife had a contraction. Hopefully, I prayed she could deliver normally.... I was reading the machine optimistically, and was so confident that she could deliver normally. But I don't know.

"Cesarean" the doctor's word hit me real hard after telling me her observations. I wasn't educated on this procedure, and was really scared about all of it. The doctor assembled her team in 15 minutes.

I braved myself in front of my wife, and told her that it'd be over soon. Inside, only God knows how fragile I was feeling. I was afraid of losing both of them, and He knows it.

The doctor was ready to take my wife to the operations room, and that's when she asked for my forgiveness for everything she has ever done. she told me if she can't ever see me again, that i'd remember the vows she made.

My tears.... they gave way finally, and I hugged her crying. I didn't care, my insecure feelings of which I couldn't contain anymore was taking control. It was some while before I could lift my face to speak. Though my voice wouldn't go through, I told her that I'd see her after this, and kissed her goodbye.

It was the half an hour that I would never forget. I prayed for every second that passed by for me to see both of them.

Then the first cry broke from the baby. I was so happy and relieved on hearing his voice. A couple of minutes after that, a nurse went out of the operations room carrying my baby. I couldn't see, so I followed the nurse, and that's when I first laid my eyes on him. He was so cute, I had my appraisals to God in my heart.

After bathing him, the nurse gave him to me to hold. I was kind of akward trying to hold such a small thing in my arms. His eyes were already opened and staring at me,

"Assalamualaikum sayang, daddy ni...", and I kissed him. He just looked at me..... and that was the greatest moment in my life.

We named him Muhammad Affan Hakimi, and he is now 8 months old. You can see his picture when he was 2 months old here - > affan

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

and to my past readers, i have a baby boy now.... so if this journal turns into a baby diary.... well... it could.

It has been some time and I'm actually planning to write again. I'm kind of getting weird inside because of not writing. So, if I write again, other people would get weird too, and when a lot of people get weird, then I won't be considered weird at all.

so this is a comeback. (kambek)