Monday, March 24, 2003

The Crude Understanding Of Disbelief

Allah created life and death for a particular reason. He communicated this to man by sending Books which clearly differentiated between rightful and wrongful actions. This purpose of life is stated in the following verse:

He created Death and Life, that He might try which of you is best in deed: He is Exalted in Might and Oft-Forgiving. (Surah Al-Mulk: 2)
The essence of this purpose is to honour Allah with the honour that is due to Him, to observe the limits set by Him, to have an understanding of the temporary nature of this world and to reorient all the deeds and conduct of one’s life in the light of the will of the Creator.

The “ignorant society” is a society where such an unawareness and ignorance prevail. The concept of the “ignorant society”, however, does not necessarily apply merely to the people who lived before the Qur’an was revealed. Rather, the term refers to all people who swerved from the moral manners and the way of living enjoined by the Qur’an after it was revealed. Thus the definition of the term is quite extensive.

The basic rationale underlying the “ignorant society” amounts to people forming their own personal ideas of right and wrong upon which they base their entire lives. What consequences ensue from such a stance? The answer is simple: the development of an apathetic attitude towards the most crucial subject of one’s life: the life beyond death. Such an attitude, however, is the most detrimental to man’s eternal life as well as to any hope of a rewarding and peaceful life in this world. The sole reason for this is that the moral system prevailing in the ignorant societies is firmly established on the basis of a rather “crude understanding.” The fundamental goal of life is more or less alike for every individual: to attain the best standard of living throughout a life which is limited to an average of 60-70 years...

The Fact that They Make Up the Majority of the Society does not Indicate the Reliability of Their Rationale

The Qur’an provides another important fact about the ignorant societies: they always constitute the majority of the population as compared to the community of believers. The Qur’an informs us that the believers are always in the minority:

Yet strive as you may, most men will not believe.Surah Yusuf: 103

But for a few of them, they have no faith. (Surah An-Nisa: 46)

And most of them believe in Allah only when they can attribute partners (to Him).(Surah Yusuf: 106)

Surely this is not a coincidence but a special situation created deliberately by Allah for a certain cause. That believers are in the minority makes their virtuous conduct even more precious in this world. Furthermore, this is a factor enhancing their rewards in the Hereafter. This world surely has a lure as an essential part of the trial by Allah. Nevertheless, if concern for the Hereafter takes complete hold of one’s mind and, in consequence, one’s actions, one would surely be superior to the majority deceived by the attraction of worldly goods.

Why Do The Ignorant Society Prefer a Primitive Life?
Because They Assume Everything is Restricted to this Life

The mentality of these people is expressed in the Qur’an in their own words:
There is nothing but our life in this world! We shall die and we live! But we shall never be raised up again! (Surah Al-Mukminun: 37)


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