Sunday, March 31, 2002

I was lying on the floor. It just came to my thoughts... something about myself.

I am a thinker, once rebellious.

I would like to stay at the office a bit longer... but something just doesn't feel right.

I hate myself. I'd like to swallow something right here. I'm in pain. My coffee is wearing out. I'd really like to say something about this.

Paralyzed mentally. That's it.

I am in pain.

It seems like this blogger is blogging again. Why? Cause I have "writer's block". I'm supposed to write a report and I can't even get the introduction right. Can't any of you freaky people help me out? Thanks. Anyway, I'll start to cure my "block" with writing something stupid and fun. Accessing imagination...


File Imagination.byt non-existent. Create file?

What is happening to me?

keremajaan is false. it's true, and i'm boldly stating it.

you might ask, "What gives, O wise Paradigma?". and i would say, "hell yeah you got that wise part right!"

ops sorry.... my superiority complex is killing me.

ok, back to the subject.

what's this keremajaan stuff anyway? is it some mental phase an individual goes through? or the physical stage of the human body when it reaches an age before adult?
This time, I don't know the answer.

But I surely think, that we don't need to stereotype these people. They seem to think, they're not involved with the society. Not sharing the problems of our society. Not realising that they are the ones heading the country later on.

What am I arguing on? Well, in some parts of the world, the "teenagers" seem to be more contributing to the society they live in. They are more matured in life issues. More wise as you might say. In the glory days of Islam, we have people aged 16 contributing to intellectualism.

Think, what mental barrier have we put on our younger generation that is so crippling them now?

In fact, sekarang kita ada "remaja tua", dah tua pun tak boleh nak lepas lagi that phase. Are you one of them?

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Me and my brother were concerned on the KFC Halal issue, and were discussing it:

Me: KFC ni dah kena tarik balik halal dari Jakim ni.

Brother: Ha, lama dah.

Me: Abis tu, kenapa dia ada tanda halal lagi?

Brother: Tu tanda halal dia buat sendiri.

Me: Laa... mana boleh macam tu. Jakim patut announce dia tarik balik tanda halal tu. In fact, kalau dah benda tu dah tak halal, letak tanda "HARAM" la pulak, kalau tidak orang keliru (aku cakap jokingly)

Brother: hahaha, letak HARAM, cina pun taknak makan.

Thursday, March 07, 2002

it is said, each person creates his own world. when I was 9 years old, I often thought about this:

"these other kids at school, are they real? they seem to respond to me. I see they go back after school. consistently, an image of them and their behaviour repeats everyday. but I wonder about their worlds. do they have one? or are they characters in my world?"

i feel comfortable being alone. i would go on long bicycle rides at the time, creating my own adventure as I ride.

I climb trees everyday after school to be alone. seeing the roof of my house. admiring the breeze blowing through the leaves.

My childhood world leaves me to wonder today.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

semalam dalam kereta, kawan aku dok bercerita-cerita kat sebelah... tapi ada satu part tu aku tak berapa dengar apa dia dok cakap. Dalam pada tu, tangan aku secara tidak sedar capai tombol radio.

tapi lepas tu aku terfikir, kenapa aku nak bukak radio bila try nak dengar member aku bercerita?

rupanya, aku cuba nak kuatkan volume suara kawan aku.

sounds weird, but true. aku dengan kemamaian aku sebab tak tidur malam sebelumnya.

adik aku yang pelik.

masa dia umur 7 tahun, adik aku dok main-main kat akuarium. dok bagi makan ikan, tengok ikan.

aku biarkan je la dia dok layan diri dengan ikan-ikan tu. aku pun pergi tengok tv.

tahu-tahu aku lalu balik kat dia, dia dok sembah(sujud) makanan ikan yang bergerak-gerak atas aquarium (getaran motor pump air buat bebola makanan ikan tu bergerak-gerak sendiri atas tudung aquarium)

aku tanya kenapa dia sembah makanan ikan?

dia terkejut pastu muka terus merah malu.

sampai hari ni aku pelik. dia pun muka merah padam bila aku cerita balik benda ni.